Marijuana and the Workplace What are the (New) Rules

The Adult Use Of Marijuana Act (Proposition 64) (the Act) provides that public and private employers are allowed to enact and enforce workplace policies pertaining to marijuana and are allowed to maintain a drug and alcohol-free workplace. Proposition 64 provides that...

Transgender Rights In the Workplace Poster

In July, 2017, California’s Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) regulations were amended to expand protections for transgender rights in the workplace.  The additional protections included making it unlawful for an employer: to discriminate against an...

Minimum Wage Increase – Effective January 1, 2018

Minimum Wage Increase – Effective January 1, 2018 As a reminder to California employers, the next phase of the minimum wage increase shall take effect January 1, 2018. Businesses should start to review their pay practices now to ensure timely compliance with the...
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