Social Media & Hiring Practices

Hiring the right person for the job is what every employer hopes to achieve. But finding good employees can be difficult and employers use various methods to help screen candidates. With the abundance of information on-line, Employers are looking to social media in...

E-Cigarettes in the Workplace

With the new trend of ‘e-cigarettes’ the question becomes whether the use of such devices can be prohibited from the workplace. An e-cigarette is a battery powered device that provides inhaled doses of vaporized liquid, which usually contains nicotine and...

Minimum Wage Increase July 2014

California Minimum Wage Increases to $9.00 July 1, 2014 As has been widely publicized, California’s  minimum wage will increase to $9.00 per hour effective July 1, 2014.  This is the first of a two step increase with the second increase to $10.00 per hour effective...

New Laws For 2014

WINTER 2013     Well its that time of year again… time for planning the holidays, planning for the new year and with that comes the planning required with the legislation signed into new law in 2013 that will take effect during 2014. Below is a summary of many...
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