by Cynthia Elkins | Apr 20, 2012 | News
Many employers are of the belief that if they hire an insurance company, bank or financial institution to administer their 401(k), pension, health and welfare (including group medical, dental and vision plans) or Section 125 (cafeteria) plans, they no longer have...
by Cynthia Elkins | Apr 20, 2012 | News
Under California, law which became effective January 1, 2012, (see our Year End 2011 Newsletter), employers are required to continue to maintain and pay for health coverage under a group health plan for eligible female employees who take a Pregnancy Disability Leave...
by Cynthia Elkins | Apr 20, 2012 | News
In the recent weeks there has been considerable controversy over employers seeking to require applicants to provide the passwords to their Facebook accounts or other social media sites as part of the application process and as a condition of hiring. The issue has...
by Cynthia Elkins | Apr 20, 2012 | Firm
Cynthia recently was asked to be a consultant in the upcoming publication by CEB (Continuing Education of the Bar) entitled Damages and Other Remedies for Wrongful Termination and Other Tort Claims. Cynthia was also recently nominated as a candidate for the San...
by Cynthia Elkins | Apr 20, 2012 | News
It is becoming increasingly difficult, according to many studies, for unemployed persons to find employment if they disclose that they are “unemployed”. As a result, legislation has recently been introduced on the state and federal level to make amendments to the law...