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Gender Equality Sought with New Fair Pay Act

Historical Gender Based Wage Differentials It has been reported that in 2014 a woman working full-time in California earned an average of $.84 to every dollar a man earned, and the national average is a wage gap of $.78 to the dollar. The wage gap is much worse for...

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January 2015 Mandatory New Posters

Effective January 1, 2015 there are several new posters that must be displayed in the workplace and forms that need to be provided to employees. Below is a summary of those necessary new posters and forms for distribution. PAID SICK LEAVE POSTER As was discussed in...

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Rest and Recovery Periods

Last year,  Labor Code Section 226.7 was amended to prohibit employers from requiring employees to work during a recovery period taken in accordance with heat illness regulations.   This year, SB 1360 confirms that rest and recovery periods are paid breaks and count...

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Increased Liability for Employers That Contract for Labor

AB 1897 imposes new liability on employers who contract for labor to hold them accountable for any wage-and-hour violations if they use staffing agencies or other labor contractors to obtain workers. In summary, the law provides that if a labor contractor fails to pay...

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Protections for Complaints Under the Labor Code

Labor Code Section 98.6 prohibits an employer from undertaking any action that is discriminatory or retaliatory against an employee who complains of Labor Code violations.  Such conduct can result in a $10,000 penalty against the employer. Under AB 2751, the Labor...

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Waiting Time Penalties

Under current law, an employer who pays less than the minimum wage is subject to a Labor Commissioner citation that includes a civil penalty, restitution and liquidated damages (Labor Code Section 1197.1). AB 1723 authorizes the Labor Commissioner to also recover...

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Time Off for Emergency Duty: Expanded Category

Currently employees are allowed time off to perform services as emergency rescue personnel.  The law has been revised by AB 2536 to expand the definition of "emergency rescue personnel.”  The new definition shall include an officer, employee or member of a disaster...

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Protections for Unpaid Interns and Volunteers

The California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) has been amended by AB 1443 to: •    Provide protections against harassment to unpaid interns and volunteers; •    Provide protections against discrimination in an unpaid internship or in another limited duration ...

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